Greening BC Skylines Together...

GRIN for green roofs: June 6th is World Green Roof Day
NORTH VANCOUVER, BC – Today at 16:30, the Green Roof Infrastructure Network of BC (GRIN) will offer tours of the Loblaws green roof in the City of North Vancouver. The event is open to all (RSVP) as part of World Green Roof Day (#WGRD2024), which celebrates green roofs and their simultaneous protection of water, climate and buildings; enhancement of human health and well-being; and provision of habitat for biodiversity.
With BC’s wildfire season already underway, and the lowest spring snowpack on record, this year’s local World Green Roof Day event will celebrate grassroots organizing for climate action. Earlier in the year, GRIN collaborated with the North Shore Streamkeepers to support Councillor Tony Valente in preparing a notice of motion for the City of North Vancouver to remove barriers to rooftop use, including green roofs. That motion was unanimously passed in March 2024, soon after Victoria passed a similar motion.
GRIN’s Executive Director, Dr. Christine Thuring, says, “Pre-settlement, these unceded lands were covered by a mosaic of ecosystems that were spongey, cool and sequestered carbon. Today, roofs occupy between 20 and 40% of urban surfaces; the buildings they cover account for 40% of total energy consumption worldwide. Compared to land at grade, roofs are prime real estate to offset the impacts of the built environment. Our mission is to advance the widespread implementation and appropriate planning, design & maintenance of green roofs and stormwater infrastructure in BC.”
Countless cities around the world have mandates, policies or financial incentives for these multi-functional technologies. In addition to cooling buildings and their surroundings, green roofs reduce stormwater runoff, suppress fire and extinguish embers, while also cooling the Urban Heat Island, cleaning the air, providing habitat for biodiversity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and much more.
Advocates intend to support more BC municipalities wishing to take climate action and care for biodiversity using green infrastructure. GRIN just launched a fundraiser to generate high-resolution and current maps that will help BC towns and cities identify low-hanging fruit for interventions. Find more information here and in the attached fact sheet.
To celebrate #WGRD2024, GRIN is offering tours of the 2 acre green roof of the North Vancouver Loblaws, starting at 16:30.
Ryan Vasseur, Manager of Living Architecture Ecosystems for the Architek Group of Companies, and GRIN Co-Chair, says: “It’s amazing how nature responds when given the chance. I’ve been maintaining this roof for years and have tried out various approaches to diversify the vegetation for biodiversity. Once a simple Sedum planting, this roof now features a diversity of wildflowers, plus native bee habitat. A couple years ago, some orchids appeared. I’m happy we can grant access for others to experience the magic, joy and beauty of these urban ecosystems.”
CONTACTS: [email protected]
Dr. Christine Thuring: (604) 725-4964
Ryan Vasseur: (778) 929-5040
@GRIN, @GRIN.BC, @worldgreenroofs, @dusty_gedge @livingrooftops