Greening BC Skylines Together...
The Green Roof Infrastructure Network (GRIN) of BC had a great time at the UBCM 2023 conference and trade show. We were delighted to connect with representatives from across the province, including municipal, local and regional governments. As a non-profit passionate about a living and healthy biosphere, all our volunteers agreed: as its first public-facing event, UBCM was a successful launch for GRIN.

The GRIN booth was extremely popular. A key part of our success was our Living Jewel swag. By the second day, delegates came to our booth with searching eyes; they were obviously looking for something. Turns out it was the swag! Either their colleagues sent them over, or they’d seen the brooches around and asked where to find them. Thanks again to Goya Ngan for her creativity in hand-crafting these beautiful pins and sourcing the plastic-free pins. Yes, each brooch was carefully fastened on with glass-headed pins!

Another success was how the GRIN booth brought together a diversity of volunteers from the worlds of non-profit, academia and industry. Our volunteers brought their expertise and knowledge, including products for demonstration, while helping convey GRIN’s vision and mission.
We envision a future where BC’s roofscape is covered by green roofs that are thriving, and which benefit all members of society.
GRIN is an interdisciplinary network of green roof champions united to advance the widespread implementation and appropriate policies, planning, design and maintenance of green roofs and stormwater infrastructure in BC. GRIN strives to bring together leading thinkers from policy-making, non-profit, academic, industry, and community organizations.

Thanks to our industry partners, the GRIN booth exhibited a range of blue-green roof systems (LiveRoof, Next Level Stormwater Management, Permavoid, Soprema, ZinCo). As well, the booth featured an example of an integrated system, which maximizes the synergy between PV solar and green roof (ZinCo).
Many commented that GRIN felt like an oasis amidst the over 180 booths. There were fabulous organizations speaking up for animals, forests, and FireSmart landscapes. Still, GRIN was the only booth explicitly giving a voice for nature and healthy communities, green infrastructure and green roofs!

The oasis analogy extends to GRIN’s promotion of climate solutions amidst a “heavy presence of fossil fuels advertisers at the convention”. The convention was funded by oil and gas companies and by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), with some sponsoring receptions, banquets and continental breakfast. It did raise the question: “What’s the point of #ClimateSolutions while BC and Canada are actively lighting the fuses of several global carbon bombs?”. The short answer: Canada is a petro state, and this is the context of our work and lives.
Indeed, this context made it that much more relevant and important to connect with friends and establish allyship through the UBCM. We were delighted to connect with Councillors, Mayors, non-profits and make lots of new friends from across the province! There is much work to be done, and many hands make light work. Please get in touch <insert link> and let’s collaborate on a greener, healthier future for all beings!
Indeed, green roofs and green infrastructure are climate solutions while concurrently providing numerous co-benefits. These include, but are not limited to:
- Stormwater mitigation
- Energy efficiency
- Air quality improvements
- Urban heat island reduction
- Sound attenuation
- Material longevity
- Thermal insulation
- Health and well-being
- Social cohesion
- urban agriculture
- Habitat and biodiversity
- Fire suppression
- Green jobs
Get involved and keep in touch with GRIN!
Industry partners, get in touch and let’s collaborate on future events!
Thank you to those who contributed to this event

Mark your calendars:
Nov. 2-3 > Cascadia Grey to Green
Nov. 14 (3pm) > Green roof tour and salmon stream
I am interested in having a speaker from your team for our Champions of the Environment spring 2024 program in North Vancouver.
Wonderful, we’ll get in touch, Janet!