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Resilient Roofscape: download the presentations

“Resilient Roofscapes for the 21st Century” – A session for the 2024 BC Land Summit co-curated by GRIN and BCSLA

On average, roofs occupy 20-30% of urban surfaces, while buildings account for 40% total energy consumption worldwide. We can allow the built environment to pollute our communities with heat, toxins and waste, or we can transform the roofscape into a system of resilience.  Delivered at the BC Land Summit on May 10, 2024 (Nanaimo, BC), the presentations from this session share leading- and cutting-edge practices that highlight the vital role a transformed roofscape could play for our climatically uncertain future, if implemented at scale.

Participants came away with an understanding of new and emerging roofing technologies that could play a significant role in improving livability and wellness, while enhancing energy production through solar power, suppressing fire, cooling the urban heat island and cost savings from membrane longevity. The three presentations draw from current research, innovation and practice:

  1. Climate Projections and Inspired Policies: Aspirations for a healthy and resilient BC (Presented by GRIN Executive Director, Dr. Christine Thuring)
  2. Optimizing Green Roof Benefits with Photovoltaics and Water Management (Presented by ZinCo Canada, Jeremy Wright)
  3. Green Roof Contribution to Fire Resistance and Waterproofing Longevity (Presented by SOPRANATURE Canada Director, Roxanne Miller)